A total of four third molars, two in the lower jaw and two in the upper jaw, usually between the ages of 17 and 25, are called wisdom teeth. Not everyone has them. Wisdom tooth infection seen in most people can disrupt the health of the teeth and gums close to the wisdom teeth and can lead to general health problems with the progression of the disease.
Most patients do not have enough space in their mouths for the wisdom teeth, which erupt at an age when jaw development is largely completed, to erupt properly like other teeth. For this reason, when wisdom teeth erupt at the wrong angle according to their development, they may remain embedded in the bone or gum or some parts of them may be visible.
With regular dental examinations, the development of wisdom teeth can be monitored and necessary interventions can be planned. After performing the necessary examinations, the dentist evaluates the condition of the teeth by examining X-ray images.
If the jaw structure is suitable and there is enough space for wisdom teeth to erupt, there is no need to extract the teeth. However, if the jaw structure is not suitable, if it creates congestion to other teeth and if pain or infection has started, the wisdom teeth need to be extracted or surgically removed.
Since wisdom teeth are at the back of the mouth, they are very difficult to clean and maintain. When food residues remain between the gums and teeth, they damage the tooth over time and cause decay. In addition, nearby teeth also decay due to incomplete oral hygiene. Decay progresses faster in teeth that protrude from the gum at an inappropriate angle and are partially visible.
Teeth that bend due to tightness rub against the cheek and cause injury. Usually, a fluid-filled cyst forms around some of the impacted wisdom teeth in the lower jaw. The cyst damages other surrounding teeth and the jawbone by pressing on them. Surgical intervention is required to remove the cyst and impacted tooth.
Wisdom tooth infection, when left untreated, can spread to the jaw, mouth, ear and throat, causing serious health problems. Pain and discomfort during chewing and biting, difficulty in opening the mouth, jaw pain, whiteness of the gums in fully impacted teeth, redness of the gums around partially impacted or incorrectly angled teeth, gingivitis, symptoms of infection include pus discharge from inflamed gums, facial swelling, bleeding gums when brushing, swollen lymph nodes, fever, chills, nausea, difficulty breathing, increased pulse rate, headache, bad breath and bad taste. Patients with these symptoms should be urgently treated by a specialist dentist.
Wisdom teeth that erupt at the right angle and need to be extracted are extracted with normal tooth extraction stages. Teeth that erupt at the wrong angle, are impacted or partially impacted are extracted by surgical intervention.
After tooth extraction, you should be examined at regular intervals by following the dentist’s recommendations. Oral care and attention to the foods consumed accelerate recovery.