Veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment applied to give a beautiful smile appearance to the front teeth that are not damaged too much, especially stained, discolored, cracked, broken, separated, crooked or not properly aligned.
Veneers, which are bonded to the front faces of natural teeth with an adhesive that hardens under special light, create an aesthetically beautiful appearance. However, only aesthetic appearance will not be enough for healthy teeth.
The beginning signs of decay on natural teeth can be understood more easily. Generally, we can regain our health faster with early treatments by seeing the color change in the tooth. In the case of teeth with veneers, possible signs of decay are not easy to recognize at an early stage if they are under the veneer. If the veneers have started to move, if there is sensitivity to hot, cold and biting, if there are signs of decay in the surrounding teeth, pain in the gums and inflammation, it is absolutely necessary to be examined by a specialist dentist.
If the veneer is forcing or exceeding the gum line, this may cause gum recession, causing the teeth to shake, accelerating infection and decay.
If the natural tooth cannot be saved despite the application of veneers, different treatment methods are planned by specialist dentists to ensure that the patient has a healthy and beautiful smile.
While veneers protect natural teeth against risks from the anterior region, they can leave the tooth vulnerable to the possibility of infection or decay that may occur under the veneer and in other parts of the tooth. The connection between the natural tooth and the veneer may weaken and the veneer may be dislodged as a result of receding gums, gingival infections, and not paying attention to the foods consumed by the patient. For patients with teeth clenching and grinding, it is recommended to use a mouth guard to protect the veneer and natural teeth.
Veneer treatment can be applied in a short time. Veneers, which are adhered to natural teeth by abrading the natural tooth enamel, ensure that the teeth are evenly distributed in the mouth. It is an irreversible treatment method. Therefore, after the veneers are applied, the teeth should be brushed with non-abrasive toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush, flossing, oral health and the foods consumed should be paid much more attention. In addition, professional oral cleaning by a dentist twice a year is necessary for healthier teeth.
Veneers, which are very thin and close to the natural tooth color, are made of porcelain or composite material. The patient’s compliance with the dentist’s recommendations after treatment is decisive for the success of the treatment. Porcelain veneers, which have the closest appearance to natural teeth and are the most preferred, can be used for up to 15-20 years and composite veneers can be used for up to 4-8 years by following the dentist’s recommendations after treatment.