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It is the name given to the materials applied in cases of insufficient bone during operations performed in the human body and mouth.
These materials are divided into 4 groups according to their sources.
- Autogenous grafts: Graft material is taken from different parts of the same organism.
- Allogeneic grafts: This material is taken from the same species that are genetically different.
- Xenografts: Graft materials derived from different species (cattle, pig, coral, etc.).
- Alloplastics: Synthetic graft materials (tricalcium phosphate).
Guided Bone Regeneration
Independent of the bone grafts explained above, this is the method of creating new bone tissue on a defect-formed area by preventing the migration of soft tissue (epithelial and connective tissue) into the cavity by using a resorbable membrane -a cover- without using graft materials.
Again, the chance of success is increased by using both the resorbing membrane and the graft material simultaneously.
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