All-on-6 dental implants consist of six titanium implants evenly distributed throughout the jaw and a denture fixed on top of them. The All-on-6 technique eliminates the need for separate implants for each missing tooth, offering a fast and efficient treatment option.
All-on-6 treatment is ideal for people who have lost all of their teeth or who want to have their remaining teeth extracted and replaced with implants. All-on-6 dental implants are suitable for people with minimal bone mass in their jaws.
The first stage of the All-on-6 dental implants procedure is a dental x-ray to evaluate the jawbone. Immediately afterwards, the best locations for placing the implants are determined. The patient is given local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The gum is cut, the jawbone is drilled and titanium implants are placed.
A temporary dental prosthesis is made to prevent the patient from being toothless during the healing process. This prosthesis is used for several months. After the healing process is complete, the final prosthesis is made and fixed.
All-on-6 dental treatment is a full mouth treatment. Therefore, oral health must also be taken care of during the treatment.
If the jawbone is very weak and thin, bone grafting may be necessary. This material strengthens the bone to which the implant will be applied and provides a firm hold. In some cases, sinus lifting may also be required.
Since All-on-6 treatment is performed under anesthesia, it is unlikely to feel pain during the procedure. Some pain may be felt after the treatment. The dentist may prescribe a painkiller to prevent this pain.
As with other dental treatments, patients desire to be treated at the best clinic with the most affordable prices for All-on-6 treatment. Turkey is a popular destination for All-on-6 dental implant treatment in terms of the cost, quality and overall patient experience of the procedure. Here, it is possible to have high quality All-on-6 dental implants while having a vacation at the same time.
The cost of All-on-6 dental implants varies depending on the quality of the material, the experience of the dentist, additional treatment requirements (bone grafting, sinus lift) and the patient’s specific situation. In Turkey, the average cost of all-on-6 implants including dentures is around £5000 per jaw. This cost can be up to 5 times higher in the UK, USA and most European countries.
All-on-6 dental implants can last from 10 to 30 years, provided good oral hygiene is maintained. In a sense, this means that they can be used for a lifetime. The all-on-6 implant approach is a highly beneficial treatment strategy and has a high success rate. All-on-6 dental implants make it possible to restore the natural appearance of the mouth and a beautiful smile. In addition, it makes the teeth strong and functional again.
In summary, All-on-6 dental implants offer a fast, effective, and long-lasting solution. Turkey stands out as a top destination for this treatment, combining affordable costs with high-quality care. It’s an ideal choice for restoring a beautiful smile and strong, functional teeth!