What Is an Orthodontist?

What Is an Orthodontist?

Diagnosis and treatment of tooth alignment, angle disorders, as well as upper jaw and lower jaw closing incompatibility and facial irregularities constitute the job description of the orthodontist. Dentists specialised in orthodontics are called orthodontists. Orthodontics is a combination of the Greek words “ortho” and “odons“, which means straight teeth.

Orthodontic treatment aims to close the teeth in the upper and lower jaws in full harmony by having a regular arrangement. Methods such as braces, invisalign, fixed functional devices, removable appliances are applied for the regulation of tooth and jaw structure.

Gapped, cramped, crooked, curved, impacted tooth problems, difficulty in biting and chewing, excessive or inadequate biting, difficulty in breathing through the mouth and snoring while sleeping, speech problems, finger sucking when permanent teeth erupt, teeth that do not meet in the upper and lower jaw when the mouth is closed, etc. problems are treated by a specialist orthodontist dentist.

The causes of disorders in the jaw structure are caused by birth defects, traumatic events, jaw joint disorders, irregularities in tooth alignment. In addition, in children, if finger sucking continues during the process when milk teeth fall out and permanent teeth begin to grow, it causes many physical and health problems such as distortions in the jaw and palate, different position of the tongue, affecting speech, backward inclined teeth.

While dental irregularities can be treated at any age, the treatment of jaw disorders before the completion of jaw development before adolescence prevents longer and tiring treatment processes in the future. Treatments to be performed after jaw development is completed may require surgical intervention. In children, orthodontic examination to be performed in the early period when there are milk teeth before the age of 7 is of great importance for early diagnosis and faster treatment process.

During the examinations performed by dentists, the patient’s face and head panoramic x-rays, dental x-rays, facial and smile images, and measurements for dental moulds are taken. The orthodontist determines the most appropriate treatment method for the patient and starts the application. The treatment process can last between 6 months and 2 years depending on the patient’s condition. During the treatment process, taking into account the nutritional recommendations determined by the orthodontist accelerates the treatment even more.

When the treatment is finalised, biting, chewing and speech improve noticeably, oral care becomes easier, teeth and gums become healthier. Thanks to the improvement in smile and appearance, the quality of life in work and social life increases. Improvements in oral health also have positive effects on general health. Additional treatment methods should be applied for permanent regularity after treatment.


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