The history of dental implant application dates back to 3000 BC. Implant treatment has been preferred in dental treatments, especially since the 1960s, with the general health of the patient and the success of its application.
The use of implants is beneficial for aesthetics, protection of other natural teeth, durability, preservation of bone structure, protection of the palate and preservation of chewing quality.
As a result of innovative studies carried out by experts, Straumann implants offer patients the advantages of high reliability, rapid healing, long service life and high treatment success. It offers ease of restoration even in the posterior teeth. It includes implant design solutions suitable for the patient’s anatomical mouth structure.
Straumann, based in Switzerland, has been one of the leading dental implant manufacturers worldwide, pioneering innovations by working exclusively on dental implants since 1974.
Working with universities, experts and scientific communities, Straumann pioneers innovation in the implant field. It collaborates with ITI (International Team for Implantology), which has more than 25,000 dental members in over 100 countries. The impartial experts on the ITI team critically review clinical evidence and long-term implant performance. In this way, patients can be treated with reliable implants by dentists who are well trained and specialized in their field with predictable results.
Dental implant success is directly related to the osseointegration of the implant surface and living bone tissue. The patient’s condition, surgical procedures and implant surface affect osseointegration.
The osseointegration of the living bone tissue and the implant, that is, their structural and functional connection to each other, varies directly according to the implant surface.
In implant treatments with the Branemark protocol, the healing process could take an average of 3 months for the lower jaw and 6 months or longer for the upper jaw after implant placement. With innovative hydrophilic SLA implants, Straumann has been able to reduce the initial healing time to 3-4 weeks. With the nano-structured SLActive, healing processes are even shorter.
Physical, chemical and morphological methods are used on the implant surface to accelerate the treatment process. For this purpose, Titanium plasma spray coated, Sandblasted and acidized, Hydroxyapatite coated, Titanium oxide, Oxidized, Machine prepared surfaces are used.
In 1997, Straumann started to produce Sandblasted Large Grid Acid-Etched (SLA) implants by creating micro-pits on the implant surfaces by sandblasting and acidizing. In 2005, the nano-structured Straumann SLActive implant, in which the surface is hydrophilic, achieves high performance thanks to an increase in bone cell mineralization, further accelerating the healing process.
In challenging treatment conditions, it can offer very high performance even under unfavorable conditions due to patient-related reasons. Implant treatments of high-risk patients who have undergone tumor surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy include various challenges as their bone tissues are affected during the treatment processes. In the 5-year follow-up of high-risk patients with Straumann SLActive implants, the success rate was 100%.
A 10-year study of 64 patients with Straumann SLActive implants showed a 98.2% implant success rate, demonstrating a long-term and highly predictable success rate.