What Is Teeth Shaving?

What Is Teeth Shaving?

Teeth shaving is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves the careful removal of small amounts of enamel from the surface of the teeth. Just like you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette, sometimes a little teeth shaving is necessary to achieve the perfect smile makeover, ensuring a balanced and harmonious appearance.

Teeth shaving operation also known as interproximal reduction (IPR) is usually performed for; correcting minor imperfections, post-orthodontic treatment, creating symmetry and reducing crowding but teeth shaving is also a crucial step in preparing for veneers and crowns.

Smile makeover process usually starts with teeth shaving and then includes different cosmetic processes according to the preferences of the dentist and the patient. When considering veneers, crowns, or other dental restorations, tooth shaving is essential to achieve harmonization and an attractive smile. The amount of teeth to be shaved varies according to veneers and crowns.

To obtain natural appearance and prepare the surface, thin layer of enamel is removed from the surface of the teeth. Afterwards, veneers, which are specially prepared for the patient according to the preferred material, are applied to these prepared surfaces. Similarly, for dental crowns, a more significant amount of enamel needs to be removed to make room for the crown’s thickness and ensure it fits securely over the tooth. This preparation is crucial for creating a strong, long-lasting, and natural-looking restoration.

Teeth shaving is usually a quick operation. The patient feels a sense of pressure on the tooth during the operation, but the whole process is completed painlessly. Your specialist dentist will only shave enough of the tooth to be able to apply the chosen cosmetic procedure. Although it is a completely safe procedure, tooth shaving can carry some risks, such as tooth sensitivity. However, this sensitivity is usually temporary and during this time the qualified dentist can offer relaxing solutions to the treatment.

The teeth shaving process, which millions of people endure in order to have a beautiful smile, should definitely be performed by specialist orthodontists in a sterile environment. For this reason, if you are decided to start a cosmetic process, contacting a center that is an expert in this field will eliminate the question marks in your mind.


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